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Here I’m trying to show the big picture of energy consumption, and the research work by of data driven method for energy prediction.
This is gif shows the evolution processes from primary four components configuration to a recompression supercritical carbon dioxide power cycle
Short description of portfolio item number 2
Published in Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2019
This is a review paper towards CCHP
Recommended citation: Gao, Lei, Yunho Hwang, and Tao Cao. "An overview of optimization technologies applied in combined cooling, heating and power systems." Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 114 (2019): 109344.
Published in Energy, 2020
This paper is about thermo-economical comparison of latest alternatives to R245fa
Recommended citation: Yang, Jingye, et al. "Binary-objective optimization of latest low-GWP alternatives to R245fa for organic Rankine cycle application." Energy (2020): 119336.
Published in Energy Conversion and Management, 2021
This paper is about graph-based system representation with minimum thermodynamic knowledge configuration optimization for S-CO2 power generation systems
Recommended citation: Gao, Lei, et al. "Graph-based configuration optimization for S-CO2 power generation systems." Energy Conversion and Management 244 (2021): 114448.
Published in Applied Energy, 2021
This paper is about deep learning models for multi energy vectors prediction on multiple types of building
Recommended citation: Gao, Lei, et al. "Comparing deep learning models for multi energy vectors prediction on multiple types of building." Applied Energy 301 (2021): 117486.
Published in Energy, 2022
This paper is about analyzing robustness of optimized system configurations via parametric study
Recommended citation: Gao, Lei, et al. "Robustness analysis in supercritical CO2 power generation system configuration optimization." Energy 204 (2022): 122956.
Globally, about 10% of the world population does not have access to enough fresh water. In many hot-and-dry coastal regions and islands, the desalination of seawater might be the only practical option to have a fresh water supply. Therefore, low-cost desalination system is critical for freshwater demands. To address this issue, a desalination system consisting of solar photovoltaic (PV) and mechanical vapor compression subsystem is proposed in this study. The entire desalination system was modeled and designed to produce 10,000 m3 of fresh water per day at the coast of San Francisco, California. Key components such as water vapor compressor, solar PV panel, and three-stream heat recovery unit were designed, and their performances were analyzed. The effects of design variables and operating conditions on the system performance were investigated through a parametric study. Finally, an economic analysis was conducted and compared with current desalination technologies. The analysis results show that the specific power consumption of desalination system can reach 14.4 kWh/m3 when the evaporation temperature is 70°C. It is found that the evaporating temperature has a great influence on the heat pump system efficiency and evaporator design. The levelized cost of the proposed system is $0.76 per m3 of fresh water which is lower than current grid-powered vapor compression desalination system and other thermal desalination systems. The proposed solar PV driven desalination improves thermoeconomics of desalination system by applying low-lift operating condition to the vapor compression cycle so that it can contribute to solving the fresh water supply challenges.
Graduate course, University of Maryland, Mechanical Engineering Department, 2020
This is a description of a teaching experience. You can use markdown like any other post.
Undergraduate course, University of Maryland, Mechanical Engineering Department, 2021
The principles of heat transfer. Conduction in solids. Convection. Radiation. Modern measurement techniques. Computer analysis.